Frequenznutzungsmöglichkeiten von PMSE in Deutschland
2027 and 2031 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-27, WRC-31)
Results / 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23)
Aktuelle UHF-TV-Nutzung in Deutschland: Mobile Beobachtung und nachfolgende Datenauswertung
Untersuchung der Auswirkungen einer 3. Digitalen Dividende auf die Nutzung drahtloser Übertragungstechnik in der Veranstaltungsbranche
Spectrum demand of professional wireless production tools (PMSE) : Study report
Report on spectrum requirements for Audio PMSE
Broadcasters‘ spectrum needs for audio PMSE applications (EBU; 2023)
According to the results of this report the daily required spectrum for PMSE Audio in the UHF-TV band today is 110 MHz. With this amount of spectrum, the requirement of the most of Campus/Venues and Events can be fulfilled. Nevertheless, for major events the average of the required spectrum is 174 MHz, while the peak demand could be the whole available UHF spectrum of 224 MHz.